Loading... **globals函数** globals可以将当前模块中的所有变量、函数、类变成一个字典,然后可以通过名称获取对应的对象。 ```python scope = globals()["AdminScope"]() ``` **获取当前文件的绝对路径** python2: print((lambda: 0).func_code.co_filename) python3: print((lambda: 0).__code__.co_filename) > The function attributes named func_X have been renamed to use the "__X__" form, freeing up these names in the function attribute namespace for user-defined attributes. To wit, func_closure, func_code, func_defaults, func_dict, func_doc, func_globals, func_name were renamed to __closure__, __code__, __defaults__, __dict__, __doc__, __globals__, __name__, respectively. **通过字符串找到类中的静态字段(类属性)** ```python """ config/setting.py: class Foo(object): DEBUG = True TEST = False """ path = "config.setting.Foo" import importlib p, c = path.rsplit(".", 1) m = importlib.import_module(p) cls = getattr(m, c) for key in dir(cls): if key.isupper(): print(key, getattr(cls, key)) ``` Last modification:May 11th, 2019 at 10:23 pm © 允许规范转载 Support If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate ×Close Appreciate the author Sweeping payments